DDR-2401: Refactor Ddr::IngestFolder, remove configuration file and per-location ingest permissions
This was a substantial refactoring of "DPC Folder Ingest", which is some of the oldest code in the repo. While the principal initial goal was to remove the requirement to grant additional permissions on a per-ingest-location basis, additional changes made it possible to remove the configuration file completely. New environment variables have been added to avoid hard-coding implementation-specific details:
INGEST_BASE_PATHS - A string of colon-separated paths from which ingests are permitted (by any authz'd user)
INGEST_FOLDER_CHECKSUM_FILE_DIR - The path to the default checksum location.
INGEST_FOLDER_EXCLUDE_FILES - A string of colon-separated fnmatch-style patterns to exclude from ingest. If not provided the patterns
, and**/*-sha1.txt
are used as a default.INGEST_FOLDER_EXCLUDE_FILES="**/*.tmp:**/*.log"