Explore projects
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StevenHe / dku_template
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalOfficial template for DKU's iGEM wiki provided by iGEM
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This project is for the iGEM 2022 competition as the DKU participants
For primarily wiki writing and document sharing
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Izatt Lab / OCT / Vortex Tools
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicensePython tools for Vortex (https://gitlab.oit.duke.edu/izatt-lab/oct/vortex)
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simple helm chart to sync files pvs
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Drupal theme for Duke University Libraries website (2017)
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Container image build for pgbouncer (http://www.pgbouncer.org). Connection pooling for PostgreSQL.
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Builder for simple http reverse proxy containers (i.e., for testing)
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DEPRECATED Debian image with Ruby installed from source.
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A Drupal 9 theme for the DUL website. Drupal 9 Dulcet is built as a Radix subtheme.
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