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Danai Adkisson / saml_camel
MIT LicenseUpdated -
sz248 / fintech512-bigbucks-team10
Apache License 2.0Updated -
FinTechPython / JupyterNotebooks
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
ddr / dspace
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseDSpace Repository for DUL to use for local modifications and deployment.
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Duke Libraries Bento-box "All" federated search web application for articles, books, journals, website, & more (https://quicksearch.library.duke.edu/). Built using the NCSU Libraries quick_search gem. Includes DUL website search UI.
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https://library.duke.edu - DUL's public website (powered by Drupal)
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Anna Holleman / On Being a Blue Devil
MIT License"On Being a Blue Devil: the changing profile of the Duke student body"
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general purpose Docker container for Ubuntu Linux with NoVNC
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