Draft: Bump hyrax from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0
Bumps hyrax from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0.
Release notes
Sourced from hyrax's releases.
Release Highlights
- Significant improvements to Analytics for Collections and Works
- Prep work for upcoming Blacklight upgrade
- Continued progress towards Valkyrie MVP
Issue Fixes
- #5261 - Create default admin set for non-wings adapters
- #5272 - Create Collection button missing when collection model is PcdmCollection
- #5248 - Remove generated feature tests for AF based work types [solution is not removal but marking test as pending]
- #5281 - Newly created Hyrax::PcdmCollection not in dashboard -> collections
- Fix SerializationError in Regenerate Derivatives task (#5296)
Analytics Improvements (PR
- #4564 - Thinking about analytics
- #4530 - Analytics Graph is not responsive on mobile devices
- #3551 - Work stats page discrepancy in the dates on mouseover for pageviews chart
- #2542 - Clarity on what a pageview is and what a download is and how they are generated
- #2566 - Single Work Analytics Page
- Provide a NullAnalyticsParser if no analytics provider is given (#5284)
- Support previous yaml config structure for Analytics (#5315)
Valkyrie Work
- Valkyrie characterization and File attachment (#5321, #5323, #5324)
- Add transactions for creating an admin set (connected to issue #5130) (#5268)
- Add validations for required fields to pcdm_collection_form (#5274)
- Test creation of collections when valkyrie resource & fix failures (#5267)
- Fix failure to forward to collection edit after create for PcdmCollection (#5283)
- check Collection
permissions based on the configured Collection model class (permissions) (#5273)- Temporarily skip thumbnail for PcdmCollection (#5287)
- Fix indexing of RDF Types in ValkyrieFileSetIndexer (#5297)
- wings: add an error message for a wings/fedora-specific error (#5322)
Documentation Improvements
- Adding to troubleshooting section (#5262)
- Add a list of actions that Hyrax::Ability defines rules for (#5260)
Helm Chart Improvements
- Update Solr version to 8.11.1 in Chart (#5302)
... (truncated)
add Blacklight::Searchable-like behavior toHyrax::Controller
add @member_docs to assigns for dashboard/collections/show view spec -
prepare release v3.3.0 -
check solr directly for depositor instead of going through ActiveFedora -
Merge pull request #5328 from samvera/bc_default_adminset -
fix dashboard/my/collections when default admin set table doesn’t exist -
do not get all collections for dashboard (#5325) -
Merge pull request #5253 from samvera/repo_dispatch -
wings: add an error message for a Wings/Fedora-specific error -
test deposit of files via WorkUploadsHandler - Additional commits viewable in compare view
Edited by David Chandek-Stark