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Revise all displayed metadata fields to use _tsim suffix instead of _tesim. Fixes DDK-266.

Sean Aery requested to merge DDK-266-bugfix-tesim-tsim into main
  • Note this is a workaround for a valkyrie bug (issue 961) which blocks 1000+ char values from getting indexed in _tesim.
  • Note the exception of language_name_tesim, which as a derived value is not also captured in language_name_tsim.
  • Ensures all descriptive metadata values will display, even if they exceed 1000 chars.
  • Ensures an all fields (default) search will also search abstract values exceeding 1000 chars (not presently in abstract_tesim).
  • At present, the abstract metadata field is the only one where we have some values exceeding 1000.

Merge request reports